The lake is looking for someone to take on the job of Water Chairman. Jerry would like to retire from this position. If anyone is interested in taking on this position, please contact a board member.


Just a reminder that you must follow Lake Adelle Lake and Beach Rules that been given to all of you. Keep your Lake pass with you when you are anywhere around the lake. They are being checked and if you do not have it, you will be asked to leave. Visitors are not to be at the lake or beach without the person who lives in Lake Adelle with them or they will be asked to leave.


All owners are reminded that it is their responsibility to trim bushes, growth, etc. away from the road, clean out ditches of leaves and debris, trash, etc., and just do a "spring cleaning/spruce up". There also needs to be ditches along all roads for proper water runoff and drainage. Some owners have filled these in and water is not draining correctly.


It has been brought to our attention that people are shooting off weapons in Lake Adelle. Please note there is not to be any firing of weapons in or around Lake Adelle, police will be called.